Programme des sessions > Par auteur > Torcq Lou
Evolution des cortèges argileux de la coupe de Pont d'Issole (Bassin Vocontien) au cours de l'OAE2 (94 Ma) Laurent RIQUIER, Thomas Munier, Lou TORCQ, Iseline GUILLOT, Carolina FONSECA, Carine Lezin
Age dating and triggering mechanisms of recent submarine landslides in the Alboran Sea Sara Lafuerza, Jaime Frigola, Laurent Emmanuel, Lou Torcq, Elia D'ACREMONT, Léa Vidil, Belén Alonso, Maria De la Fuente, Sara Campderros, Alana Oliveira de Sa, Sylvie Leroy, Alain Rabate, Marcelo Ketzer, Christian Gorini, Daniel Praeg, Albaneo Albacore Scientific Party
Mechanical properties of sediments issued from giant submarine landslides in the shallow subsurface of the Amazon fan Lou Torcq, Sara Lafuerza, Aurélien Gay, Daniel Praeg, Sébastien Migeon, Marcelo Ketzer