Programme des sessions > Par auteur > Vidil Léa
Age dating and triggering mechanisms of recent submarine landslides in the Alboran Sea Sara Lafuerza, Jaime Frigola, Laurent Emmanuel, Lou Torcq, Elia D'ACREMONT, Léa Vidil, Belén Alonso, Maria De la Fuente, Sara Campderros, Alana Oliveira de Sa, Sylvie Leroy, Alain Rabate, Marcelo Ketzer, Christian Gorini, Daniel Praeg, Albaneo Albacore Scientific Party
Exploring Heat Flow Distribution in the Westernmost Mediterranean Sea: Insights from the Albacore Cruise Sylvie Leroy, Frederique Rolandone, Jeffrey Poort, Elia D'ACREMONT, Sara Lafuerza, Léa Vidil, Team Albacore cruise
Geological, geophysical and geotechnical highlights of the southern part of the Al Idrissi strike-slip fault system from the Alboran sea Léa Vidil, Elia D'ACREMONT, Sylvie Leroy, Sara Lafuerza, Laurent Emmanuel, Alain Rabaute, Gueorgui Ratzov