Programme des sessions > Par auteur > Gómez Barreiro Juan
Contrasting origin of the magnetic anomalies of the Central-Iberian Arc: role of mantle implication Puy Ayarza, Mercedes Rivero Montero, José Ramón Martínez Catalán, Juan Gomez Barreiro, Imma Palomeras, Yolanda Sanchez Sanchez, Pablo Calvín, Raul Prieto Mazariegos, David Ochoa Calvo
The Lower Allochthon of the Morais Allochthonous Complex, Trás-os-Montes, Portugal: New structural, age, and geochemistry data suggest changes in the interpretation of this tectonostratigraphic unit. Jeremié Malecki, Stephen Collett, José Ramón Martínez Catalán, Juan Gómez Barreiro, Pedro Castiñeiras Garcia, Karel Schulmann
Imaging a Late-Variscan gneissic dome with passive seismic methods: the GOLDFINGER Project. Imma Palomeras, Juan Gomez Barreiro, Puy Ayarza, Sara Rodriguez, José Ramón Martínez Catalán, David Marti, Mario Ruiz, Santos Barrios Sánchez, Kelvin Dos Santos, Yolanda Sanchez Sanchez, Javier Elez, Mariano Yenes, Irene DeFelipe, Irene Pérez-Cáceres