Onshore Diapirism in Atlas mountains (Morocco): Example of Triassic
El Hassane Chellai  1@  
1 : Département de Géologie, Faculté des sciences Semlalia, Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech  (UCAM, FSSM)
Département de Géologie, Faculté des sciences Semlalia, B. P : 2390, Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech, 40000. Maroc -  Maroc

Triassic deposits were generally formed in areas with various reliefs and a distensive tectonic context. The analysis of the morocco domain facies map shows the predominance of salt deposits, particularly the extensive series of halite and potash salts. The coarse facies are limited to the Argana corridor and High-Atlas borders. The distribution of evaporates indicates a marine origin, similarly the Atlantic coastal basins open towards an epicontinental sea. The lower formations may be continental, whereas marine sedimentation becomes more widespread towards the top of the series.

The Triassic sections from the Haouz plain to the High Plateau (Yagour, Oukaimeden, Timinkar) allow following the abrupt facies variations on both sides of the N60 faults.

Some works summarizes the facies variations from north to south along the northern slope of the High Atlas of Marrakesh, where four formations have been distinguished. These Triassic formations are capped by a stack of tholeiitic volcanic flows (CAMP).

The 18th June, 2023 at 3p.m., we made a discovery following the renovation of the Marrakech-Ouarzazat Road showing evidence of diapiric activity of onshore Triassic formations (see photos below)


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